
Marius Pedersen


Market with Marius

Flexibility is not just a skill for those of us in the service industry – it’s a way of life. And in 2023, we were really put to the test! First of all, we had to adapt to macro changes caused by high inflation, increased raw material costs and global unrest. Then we had to adjust and fine-tune the products we offer to our customers in order to meet the changed requirements of the market.

Without our positive attitude to change, last year would not have been as good as it was. We demonstrated once again that when things became challenging, we put our heads together and found new solutions that were in the best interests of our customers. This is something to be proud of and continue to build on.

2023 was the year we cultivated the various concepts and brands within 4Service. We are what is known as a “House of Brands”, and since we have been growing, the time was right to review and further develop our brand portfolio. We have updated our marketing strategies, created new graphic profiles and websites, re-imagined social media content and increased our advertising efforts. An example of this work is that Eir has now rebranded as a cleaning brand and has gained a clearer and more direct marketing strategy. As a consequence of this, Eir Mat og Drikke has been replaced by the new concept Ekre, which you can read more about here. I would also like to highlight our co-working concept INC. and our collaboration with Fram Eiendom in Karenslyst allé 10 (KA10). This is a signature building for us, where we will set a new standard for our office community. Co-working has become a natural part of our service offering, and in KA10 we will facilitate a key part of the working life of the future.

Over the course of last year, we also put extra effort into a range of restaurant concepts, catering and events – all under the umbrella of Servert. Servert, with its nine restaurants in the Oslo area is based on a simple idea: Make sure that small meals are memorable and big events are seamless. In addition to unforgettable dining experiences, we will serve up inspiring talks, different tasting experiences, exciting cooking courses and intimate concerts. Regardless of which restaurant you visit, I promise that you will have a unique experience with a tailor-made selection and personalised service.

A hallmark of 4Service is our practical approach to opportunities and challenges, and of course this also applies to sustainability. In the years ahead, we will get even better at informing people about our initiatives and projects in this area. This is not to beat our chests and boast, but instead to inspire others to contribute where they can make the greatest difference. For us, this applies in particular to food and social sustainability. We will continue to serve up nutritious and tasty food while continuing to reduce our food waste. We will expand and further develop our range of social sustainability projects, which we are proud to be involved in. One of these is the sponsorship agreement with the Norwegian Ice Hockey Association that we recently entered into. The agreement will last for two years, and the aim is to reduce exclusion and increase recruitment to the sport. This is a natural continuation of our fight against the same issues in working life. 4Service has been and will always be a company that says what it does and does what it says.

People and Quality with Anine

In a dynamic organisation such as 4Service, where change and adaptability are alpha and omega, we are the lucky ones who get to work on exactly this. Development is the key to everything we do, and the department I have the pleasure of leading plays a key role.

Mobile phones are key

Some of the country’s largest accommodation sites are very distant from the most popular tourist attractions. They house thousands of men and women while they are working on building new infrastructure and making major contributions to industry. In order to facilitate the best possible conditions for workers, both small and large innovations often need to be found.