
Anine Tennøe

Director of HR and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

People and Quality with Anine

In a dynamic organisation such as 4Service, where change and adaptability are alpha and omega, we are the lucky ones who get to work on exactly this. Development is the key to everything we do, and the department I have the pleasure of leading plays a key role.

We help managers in their day-to-day work by providing them with the tools they need for better ovesight, a key aspect of HR work in 2023. Within compliance, we have turned our spotlight on the Norwegian Transparency Act through external investigations of partners and the internal publication of reports on our websites. For our quality work, we have introduced a revised audit programme that will raise awareness and build commitment to continuous improvement. In terms of HSE, I would like to highlight the introduction of a new non-conformance system, which in a short period of time has led to a positive reporting culture, providing us with better insight across the company. As for ESG, our commitment to Permanently Arranged Work (VTA in Norwegian) is especially noteworthy, and you can find more information about that here.

In 2023, we also placed more focus on our leadership development, a process led by Ørjan Leine’s steady hand. Ørjan, who formally manages the leadership development initiatives in our department, has carried out fourteen two-day leadership sessions throughout the autumn. These sessions have strengthened our leadership culture and helped shape talented leaders who are equipped to meet the challenges of the organisation. At the same time, Marianne Berget Larsen had overall responsibility for the leadership fora, which were changed in the spring to a series of courses over three months. This series turned into ten comprehensive courses, developed and presented not just by Marianne, but also other talented contributors from the team. There was good participation, and the feedback from these courses was overwhelmingly positive.

The annual employee survey has once again delivered positive results. On a scale of one to six, we enjoyed an average score of more than five within all key areas at the group level. These figures, which we are very proud of, underscore the importance of well-being at work, a key factor for the quality we deliver to our customers. With 62 percent participation and generally high satisfaction, it is clear that our commitment to leadership development and employee engagement is bearing fruit. These efforts are reflected among both permanent and temporary employees, who have expressed a strong affinity to and satisfaction with their workplace. At the same time, we can always make small steps and adjustments to improve, and such input is the most important thing to come from the survey. All divisions and departments have reviewed the results and examined which measures they can take to ensure that 2024 becomes ven better.

Over the coming year, we will review the employee survey itself. This measure will improve management tools and strengthen the basis for further development of the working environment in each business unit. We are also expanding our leadership fora with two new units and implementing the second stage of leadership development. Furthermore, the establishment of a comprehensive leadership system, and a structured approach to guidance documents, will contribute to an improved organisation. Last but not least, we will continue to have fun at work every day. After all, this is the cornerstone of everything we do at 4Service!

ESG with Tone

Sustainability work is often shortened to ESG: Environmental, Social and Governance. This is a broad term that involves many more people and departments than you would first imagine. This breadth is the background to our interdisciplinary team to develop and drive this area forward.

Market with Marius

Flexibility is not just a skill for those of us in the service industry – it’s a way of life. And in 2023, we were really put to the test!