
Annual account (parent company)


Notes 2023 2022
Operating income and expenses
Other operating expenses 547 282 552 364
Total operating expenses 547 282 552 364
Operating profit/loss -547 282 -552 364
Financial income and expenses
Income from subsidiaries 12 709 241 8 136 908
Other interest income 2 211 0
Interest expense to group companies 12 164 170 7 584 205
Other interest expenses 0 339
Net financial items 547 282 552 364
Profit before tax 0 0
Profit for the year 0 0
Brought forward
Allocated from other equity 0 0
Total brought forward 0 0


Note 2023 2022
Non-current assets
Investments in group companies 339 250 008 339 250 008
Total financial fixed assets 339 250 008 339 250 008
Total non-current assets 339 250 008 339 250 008
Current assets
Other short-term receivables 62 500 90 093
Receivables from group companies 12 709 241 8 136 908
Total receivables 12 771 741 8 227 001
Cash and cash equivalents 17 024 175 9 200 226
Total current assets 29 795 916 17 427 227
Total assets 369 045 924 356 677 235
Equity and liabilities
Paid-up equity
Share capital 452 607 452 607
Own shares -6 245 -6 245
Share premium 137 003 227 137 003 227
Total paid-up equity 137 449 588 137 449 588
Retained earnings
Other equity -9 131 160 -9 131 160
Total retained earnings -9 131 160 -9 131 160
Total equity 128 318 428 128 318 428
Non-current liabilities
Liabilities to group companies 240 384 996 228 220 826
Total of non-current liabilities 240 384 996 228 220 826
Current liabilities
Trade payables 312 500 107 981
Other current debt 30 000 30 000
Total current debt 342 500 137 981
Total liabilities 240 727 496 228 358 807
Total equity and liabilities 369 045 924 356 677 235

Statement of cash flows

Note 2023 2022
Cash flow from operating activities
Profit or loss before tax -545 071 0
Income tax paid 0 0
Changes in trade payables 204 519 106 725
Changes in other operating items 27 593 -66 974
Net cash flows from operating activities -312 959 39 751
Cash flow from financing activities
Proceeds from borrowings 0 7 584 205
Repayment of current liabilities 0 -8 136 908
Received group contribution 8 136 908 4 391 782
Net cash flows from financing activities 8 136 908 3 839 079
Net change in cash and cash equivalents 7 823 949 3 878 830
Cash and cash equivalent as at Jan 1st 9 200 226 5 321 396
Cash and cash equivalent as at Dec 31st 17 024 175 9 200 226

Accounting principles

The financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Norwegian accounting act (regnskapsloven) for medium sized entities.

Use of estimates

Preparation of the financial statements in accordance with the Norwegian accounting act demands the use of estimates. Furthermore, the use of the companies accounting principles demands the management to use judgments.

Classification and assessment of balance sheet items

Assets held for long term ownership or use are classified as non-current assets. Non-current assets are measured at cost. Current assets and short-term liabilities normally include items that are due less than twelve months after the balance sheet date, as well as items that relates to cost of goods sold and inventories. Current assets are measured at the lowest of cost and fair value.

Receivables are classified as current assets if they are due less than twelve months after the balance sheet date.First year installments on long term receivables and liabilities are classified as current assets and short-term liabilities. Some items are classified differently and are specified below.

Fixed assets

Fixed assets are recognized and depreciated linearly to residual value over the assets expected useful life. Fixed assets are stated at cost, net of accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses, if any. In the case of changes in depreciation plan, the effect of the change is distributed over the remaining years. Maintenance of assets are recognized over profit and loss. Improvements are capitalized on the asset and depreciated over the same period as the asset. The difference between maintenance and improvements is evaluated against the assets condition at the time when the asset was acquired. Land is not depreciated.

Expenses for renting assets are recognized over profit and loss. Prepaid expenses are distributed over the remaining rental period.

Impairment of fixed assets

When there are indications that the carrying amount of a fixed asset is higher than its expected fair value, an impairment test is conducted. The test is performed at the lowest level of assets which have separate cash flows. If the carrying amount is higher than both fair value and recoverable amount, the asset is impaired to the highest of fair value and recoverable amount. Recoverable amount is the present value of future cash flows from the asset. Previous impairments, except for impairment of goodwill, is reversed if the basis of the impairment is no longer present.

Investments in shares and subsidiaries

Investments in shares and subsidiaries are recognized at cost. The cost price increases when funds are provided by capital increase, or when group contributions are made to subsidiaries. Dividends received are recognized as dividend in profit and loss. Dividend/group contributions from subsidiaries are recognized in the same year as the subsidiary recognize the provision. Dividend from non-subsidiaries are recognized as financial income in the same year as the dividend decision was made. Investments in shares and subsidiaries are impaired if there are indications of impairments that is not temporary.


Accounts receivables and other receivables are recognized at par net of any provisions for expected loss. Provisions for expected loss are based on individual assessments of each receivable. In addition, a general provision is made for expected loss on receivables.


Income tax expense in the profit and loss includes both paid tax in the period and changes in deferred tax. Deferred tax is calculated at 22 % tax rate based on temporary differences between accounting values and tax values, as well as any tax loss carry forward at the balance sheet date. Tax increasing and tax reducing temporary differences that are reversed or can be reversed in the same period, are netted.

Recognition of deferred tax assets on net reducing temporary differences that is not netted or tax loss carry forward, is justified by net positive expected future cash flow. Deferred tax asset that can be capitalized and deferred tax liability is recognized as the net amount in the balance sheet.

Tax on group contributions made that are recognized as an increase of cost of shares, and tax on group contributions received that are booked directly over equity, is also booked directly against tax payable in the balance sheet (it is recognized over tax payable if the group contribution has effect on tax payable, and over deferred tax if the group contribution has effect on deferred tax).

Own shares

In the case of repurchase of own shares, the cost price including any direct attributable costs, are recognized as change in equity. Own shares are presented separately under equity in the balance sheet at par value. Any consideration in excess of par value is recognized as a reduction of other equity. Gain or loss and transactions in own shares is not recognized over profit and loss but recognized over equity.

Cash flow statement

The cash flow statement is prepared in accordance with the indirect method. Cash and cash equivalents includes cash, bank deposits and other short term, liquid investments that can be immediately, and with insignificant currency risk, be converted to known cash amounts, as well as remaining term of less than three months from the date of acquisition.

Note 1 Payroll, number of employees, remuneration, loans to employees etc.

Remuneration to board and management Amount
Remuneration to board of directors (excl. employers tax) 250 000
Total 250 000

There are no loans collateral to/from board members or other related parties.

Pension (OTP)

The company has no employees, thus the company is not obligated to have any pension plan.

Auditors fee

Auditors fee for 2023 is NOK 176 300 excl. VAT. The fee consits of NOK 166 300 in audit of the year end financial statements and NOK 10 000 for other services.

Note 2 Inter company transactions

Receivables 2022 2021
Receivables from group companies 8 136 908 4 391 782
Liabilities 2022 2021
Other liabilities from 4Service Gruppen AS 228 220 826 268 036 994

Group contributions with tax effect from 4Service Gruppen AS amounts to kr 8 136 908 and is included in receivables from group companies.

4Service Holding AS is the parent company in the Group, and the company prepare the consolidated accounts. The company's adress is Brynsallèen 4, 0667 Oslo. The consolidated accounts may be shared through enquiries at this address.

Note 3 Income tax

Current income tax charge 2023 2022
Tax payable - -
Change in deferred tax asset - -
Income tax expense - -
Taxable income 2023 2022
Profit before tax - -
Permanent differences - -
Taxable income - -
Tax payable in the balance sheet 2023 2022
Tax payable on profit/loss for the year -2 796 033 -1 790 120
Tax payable on recieved group contribution 2 796 033 1 790 120
Total tax payable in the balance sheet - -
Effective tax rate reconciliation
Profit before tax - -
Total - -
Effective tax rate reconciliation
Profit before tax - -
Total - -
Effective tax rate 22% 22%

Note 4 Investments in subsidiaries

Investments in subsidiaries and joint ventures are recognized at cost.

Cost of the shares in the subsidiary 4Service Gruppen AS is NOK 339 250 008.

Company Head office Ownership Equity as of 01.01.23 This years profit/loss Equity as of 31.12.23
4Service Gruppen AS Etterstad 100% 374 575 124 195 399 408 560 061 324
Subsidiary of subsidiary
4Service AS Etterstad 100% 3 083 415 -7 893 548 1 133 598
4Service Landanlegg AS Etterstad 100% 27 969 040 97 169 922 38 637 058
4Service Offshore AS Etterstad 100% 8 824 923 4 772 476 5 815 479
4Service Offshore Hotels AS Etterstad 100% 11 806 399 1 312 297 4 811 360
4Service Facility AS Etterstad 100% 38 302 344 61 029 509 52 369 107
4Service Catering AS Etterstad 100% 11 624 720 2 713 911 10 384 425
Lahaugmoen Innkvartering AS Etterstad 70% -7 829 324 -258 146 -8 087 470
Sub Group
4Service Eir Renhold AS (Parent) Etterstad 100% 55 221 952 106 919 662 61 282 603
Ren Pluss Eiendom AS (Subsidiary) Etterstad 100% 946 131 -49 182 896 949
Joint Ventures
Viken Innkvartering AS Etterstad 50% -8 363 620 1 578 497 -6 785 123
Ørin Overnatting AS Verdal 34% 11 407 490 -530 348 10 877 142
Flesland Innkvartering AS Etterstad 33% -8 589 550 -4 448 886 -13 038 435

Note 5 Number of shares, shareholders etc

Share capital Number* Par value Carrying amount
Ordinary shares 452 609 193 0,001 452 607
Shareholders Number of shares Ownership
Norvestor VII, L.P 262 547 738 58,0 %
Jori Invest AS v/Jan Otto Klausen 27 167 741 6,0 %
Ave Trebua AS 25 167 741 5,6 %
Erland Invest AS 25 167 741 5,6 %
Vida Holding AS v/Per Åge Sandnes 18 000 000 4,0 %
Vissit AS v/Tor Rønhovde 10 365 300 2,3 %
Villa & Co AS 6 250 000 1,4 %
4Service Holding AS ** 6 245 208 1,4 %
Other shareholders (< 1%) 71 697 724 15,8 %
Total number of shares 452 609 193 100,0 %

* Carrying amount of share capital is kr 452 607. The company has one type of shares and all shares carry the same voting rights.

** 4Service Holding AS has 6 245 208 own shares as of 31.12.23, which makes up 1,4 % of the share capital and is unchanged since 31.12.22.

Shares owned by the CEO and members of the board

Name Position Number of shares Ownership
Eva Marie Helen Aubert Board member 25 167 741 5,7 %
Per Åge Sandnes Board member 18 000 000 4,0 %
Tor Rønhovde Group CEO 10 365 300 2,3 %
Ståle Kolbjørn Angel Board member 3 500 000 0,8 %

Note 6 Equity

Share capital Own shares Share premium Other equity Total equity
As of 01.01.2023 452 607 -6 245 137 003 227 -9 131 160 128 318 429
Profit for the year 0 0 0 0 0
As of 31.12.2023 452 607 -6 245 137 003 227 -9 131 160 128 318 429