From 1982
to 2023

Per Inge Iversen, Regional Manager South at 4Service, began his career in cleaning in 1982. After the acquisition of Servicepartner1, which he founded in 2001, Iversen has been a key driver of innovation and concept development at 4Service.

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Ekre, tidligere kjent som Eir Mat og Drikke, har gjennomgått en visuell omprofilering med et nytt navn og ny fargepalett.

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All check-in and check-out, cleaning, and other necessary communication with our guests now take place through mobile phones at our Camps.

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2018 2020 2021 2022 2023

The concept for this year’s annual report is “Then. Now.” and focuses on the simple fact that we as a company will never say we are satisfied with the status quo. Our philosophy of delivering simple and personalised service industry solutions is based on a culture where everyone is committed to small, daily improvements.

Tor Rønhovde
Food & Facilities

Norwegian seasonal produce and French croissants

2023 was not how division director of Food & Facilities, Trine Holmen-Løkken, imagined it would be. It was both better and more hectic.

Cleaning & Maintenance

From airplanes to nurseries

Sales records, major acquisitions, and innovation in new industries – 2023 was exactly how the team in Cleaning and Maintenance is used to things being: Hectic, fun and with a constant flow of new colleagues and contracts!


Mobile phones are key

Some of the country’s largest accommodation sites are very distant from the most popular tourist attractions. They house thousands of men and women while they are working on building new infrastructure and making major contributions to industry. In order to facilitate the best possible conditions for workers, both small and large innovations often need to be found.

Market with Marius

Flexibility is not just a skill for those of us in the service industry – it’s a way of life. And in 2023, we were really put to the test!

People and Quality with Anine

In a dynamic organisation such as 4Service, where change and adaptability are alpha and omega, we are the lucky ones who get to work on exactly this.

ESG with Tone

For us at 4Service, it is important that this work be systematized, feasible, and capable of creating measurable value. This involves creating ownership of the various challenges we face and turning this into practical measures and procedures in daily operations.

Figures from Finn

For those of us who work with figures, it takes a little more effort to summarise 2023 in words. Not because the words themselves are difficult, but rather because the figures from the past year are so good that it is tough to find the right way to express them.

Key numbers


9 600


Mill. sq.m. cleaning


Full-service locations