
Finn Rune Kristiansen


Figures from Finn

For those of us who work with figures, it takes a little more effort to summarise 2023 in words. Not because the words themselves are difficult, but rather because the figures from the past year are so good that it is tough to find the right way to express them.

I think that we can all agree that organic growth of 19.4 percent deserves a better description than ‘fantastic’. Thankfully, the figures speak for themselves: last year, our three divisions Food & Facilities, Cleaning and Maintenance, and Accommodation delivered an organic growth of 23.3, 10 and 23.7 percent respectively. This is incredible and unparalleled in our industry and possibly across all Norwegian industries as a whole. As the person responsible for figures at 4Service, it is a real pleasure to present the 2023 accounts and results!

Food and Facilities
Cleaning and Maintenance
All divisions experienced organic growth in 2023

As well all remember, the year began with high inflation and constant price increases for everything from food to input factors. 2023 should have been the first normal year since the pandemic, but the brutal start to it meant we had to quickly adjust to a challenging market again this year. In a normal year, food prices increase by around two to three percent. In 2023, this increase reached over 20 percent on individual goods, and was partially due to the war in Ukraine, a lack of shipping containers and global transport challenges. During the first quarter of this year, we used our experience from previous turbulent years to renegotiate prices and collaborate on new solutions with our customers. This meant that we saw strong performances in both sales and operations. As such, the things began to look up from the second quarter, and the trend remained strong throughout the year.

Last year also marked the end of the digital journey we have been on over the past five years. In the past, like many others, we worked between digital and paper solutions. As of 2024, there is very little paper left at 4Service. Through the programme AppFarm, there are in excess of 15 different systems and programmes which input information and send data to many systems. What comes out at the other end is real-time data we can use to offer our customers an even better product.

Finally, I would like to highlight the most important reasons behind a fantastic and impressive 2023 at 4Service: our people. At the end of December, I had 5,400 amazing colleagues who do their utmost to give our customers what they have been promised, and often a little more. It is not us in the head office or in group management who should receive the lion’s share of praise for the figures being what they are. It is all of you in daily operations with our customers ensuring that 4Service always delivers simple and personal services.

Annual Report

ESG with Tone

Sustainability work is often shortened to ESG: Environmental, Social and Governance. This is a broad term that involves many more people and departments than you would first imagine. This breadth is the background to our interdisciplinary team to develop and drive this area forward.