From airplanes to nurseries
Sales records, major acquisitions, and innovation in new industries – 2023 was exactly how the team in Cleaning and Maintenance is used to things being: Hectic, fun and with a constant flow of new colleagues and contracts!

The year in summary
2023 can be best summarised as exciting for the 2,934 employees in Cleaning and Maintenance, as division director Patrick Malnes explains:
“We have set sales records and achieved the strongest bottom line our division has ever seen. This was all achieved by hard work from a group that never gives up and which is always looking for new ways to improve.”
As always, Malnes is passionate when he gets to talk about his customers and colleagues.
“The incredible growth we have had over recent years is something we are well aware of, both positively and negatively. It is difficult to find enough skilled people to cover everyone who want to have 4Service as a supplier of cleaning and service industry solutions. I do not think of it as a problem, but rather as evidence of the quality we deliver every single day.”
The fact that work is going well at Cleaning and Maintenance is surprising to no-one. In 2023, the sales department in particular has excelled. Analyses from sales efforts in 2022 showed that there were opportunities for improvement. In particular onboarding, i.e. how the company welcome and train new employees, had a long way to go.
“We have always, and will always have, ambitious sales budgets. To ensure that new salespeople are able to contribute as quickly as possible, we put together a working group made up of Cato Malnes, Henning Bjørnsgaard and Sindre Kjelsås. Together with other colleagues, they have put forward a really strong plan,” explains Malnes.
Highlights 2023

The new onboarding plan consists of improved introductory efforts, start-up and follow-up, which will enable new salespeople to achieve their sales goals in good time.
“They have not only been able to achieve their goals for 2023,” explain Malnes with pride.
“They have even surpassed them! Our new salespeople have doubled what they deliver in their first twelve months compared to previous years. This is nothing other than a major success.”
Another success Malnes and his colleagues can be pleased with is the acquisition of Servicepartner1.
“We have been putting extra focus on the transport industry for a long time now and have won major contracts in Southern Norway and Trondheim. An important part of this focus was the acquisition in 2022 of Servicepartner1, one of the country’s most innovative cleaning services companies. Together we have taken major steps forward, and the progress in concept developments has been impressive.”
Transport and concept development
Per Inge Iversen, Regional Manager South at 4Serivce, is a born and raised Kristiansander. Thanks to an uncle who already worked in the sector, he began his carrier in cleaning services in 1982.
“The first stop was Bergen,” he smiles.
“Since then, I’ve tried my hand at most roles you could imagine. I have really benefited from these diverse experiences so far in my career.
In 2001, Iversen set up Serviceparter1, and when 4Service approached him about a potential acquisition, the decision was easy for the then general manager.
“Both we and 4Service shared a clear ambition to develop people and make managers out of cleaners. We both believed in the importance of a strong culture, as well as in striving for the opportunities in front of us. Since the acquisition in 2022, development has marched on, and we are now stronger together than we were individually.”
One of the reasons 4Service was interested in Iversen and Servicepartner1 was their expertise and innovation within transport.
“We have been cleaning buses and planes for a long time. Through our contracts with Widerøe and Aviator, we clean for airlines like Norwegian, SAS, Air France, Lufthansa and KLM. It is not just the planes we keep clean, but also areas inside airports here in the region.”
4Service is focusing heavily on transport and has many contracts both regionally and nationally. Iversen is convinced that there will be many more opportunities in the market in the years ahead.
“Definitely! We have a number of tasks on our wishlist. Buses are, for example, something we will be focusing on a lot. The knowledge we have acquired, and our skilled employees, will give us vital competitive advantages within this market in the coming years.”
To succeed in an ever more competitive industry, good concepts are crucial. New ways of thinking, while retaining relevant knowledge, is not something every company is blessed with having.
“Being daring was a core part of the old Servicepartner1 culture, and it is just as strong, if not stronger, at 4Service,” says Iversen enthusiastically.
“We work systematically on innovation and concept development. If something works at the local level, the path to implement and develop it nationally is not long. This gives us the adaptability and flexibility that are crucial for our customers.”
A strong cleaning concept needs to be able to systematise work tasks, ensure proper and effective equipment for the task, follow HSE guidelines around, for example, stress and sick leave, be flexible and facilitate close cooperation with customers, and not least involve the right training programme.
“All components are important, of course, but the training programme is something that really differentiates us,” says Iversen.
“Since we started back in 2001, we have worked hard to further develop our concepts. We have always aimed at delivering cost-effective, stable and high-quality solutions. However, the most recent contribution,” say Iversen eagerly, his voice picking up tempo, “is perhaps the most exciting!”
In 2023, Iversen and his colleagues decided to film the process of cleaning an aircraft. This proved to be extremely successful.
“When cleaning, it’s important to do things in the correct way. This goes for both ergonomics and efficiency. Systematising things and conceptualising the entire cleaning process gave us insight and data that we could then use to train others. We have many employees that don’t speak Norwegian natively. The video allowed us a great opportunity to show off all the secrets, big and small, that it usually takes months, if not years, to learn.”
The idea of filming came as a result of the aforementioned company culture.

“An important part of our cultural work has been to go to trade fairs and always be on the lookout for inspiration and new solutions. Our willingness to deliver something better tomorrow than we did today is not something that comes only from above or below. It is a shared ambition that must resonate at every level of the company. At 4Service, it doesn’t matter what your title is. If the idea is good enough, we’ll test it out.”
The Great Norwegian Encyclopedia (SNL) defines a concept as: a collection of ideas or a plan that forms the basis for the design of a product, event or business. An equally important principle for concept development at 4Service is that there must be a market need. Development for the sake of development is of little merit.
“That’s right,” Iversen confirms.
“A good example is how we have passed on the experience from filming us cleaning an aircraft to our new nursery concept. We started the innovation process by gathering all the relevant resource personnel for a work meeting. There, we shared experiences and ideas as to how we could better clean nurseries. It felt natural to see whether we should also film this task, and it wasn’t long before we understood that many of the techniques we use in the aircraft cleaning training programme could be transferred to cleaning nurseries. Then we put all this into a presentation and sold the solutions to nurseries across our region. So far, we have received 32 contracts, and customers tell us that our unique approach was one of the most important reasons that they chose us as a partner,” says Iversen.
The road ahead
Division Director Malnes is in no doubt that the acquisition of Servicepartner1 has done more than strengthen 4Service’s presence in Southern Norway.
“Per Inge and our other talented colleagues in Southern Norway have really opened up new opportunities for us,” he explains.
“Their way of conceptualising and thinking in new ways has inspired the Cleaning and Maintenance teams in the rest of our regions. The experience they have from their work at Kristiansand Airport is now something we use elsewhere in the country.”
Even the innovation work in Malnes’ division has been reorganised over the last year. A new body, the Development Council, has been created, and all six regions are represented.
“Henriette Haugsnes and Henning Bjørnsgaard are responsible for leading this work. They have made a brilliant effort, and we are currently working in a more structured way than ever before. There are regular meetings, and in classic 4Service fashion, we give all good ideas a chance.”
Development Council
The Devlopment Council shall promote strategic innovation and continuous improvement and put a spotlight on people and processes to achieve high customer satisfaction.
Focus areas 2024:
- People
- Machines and Methods
- Sustainability
- Technology
Development Team managers:
- – Henriette Haugsnes, leader of the Development Council
- – Henning Bjørnsgård, Sales and Development Manager
In addition to more frequent meetings, more test projects are also carried out than before. The Development Council includes all regions, but one major change is that the sales and tendering team is now represented.
“They are the closest to our customers, and therefor in the best position to understand what the needs of tomorrow are. We already far ahead in terms of AI and sensor and robotic technology, and this focus will ensure that we also contribute in the future to developing our specialist areas.”

With the effort put in over 2023, Malnes is looking to 2024 with optimism.
“It’s not just because I am from Fredrikstad that I look forward to the future,” he laughs.
“It’s probably much more that I know that our continued growth will be the result of the effort we put in every single day. I am looking forward to seeing our representation in Troms and Finnmark increase further, and with that have even better coverage in Norway than we do today. We will continue our work to onboard the best people possible in operations and sales, as well as retaining and winning new customers, of course. I am looking forward to being able to speak more about the efforts and victories in transport in our next annual report,” he concludes.